Lirik lagu Tangga Doa lyric

Tangga Doa.mp3 are the property and copyright of author/composer, artist, and songs label concerned or their owners. Lyrics, Free Download Mp3 Tangga Doa.mp3 Video clip Tangga Doa.mp3, We provide this only for evaluation purposes only. We do not provide the file Tangga Doa.mp3 in our server. Buy a original CD Tangga Doa.mp3 from from the album or activate the personal dial tone to support it;So, that artist can still work in the world music arena. | Play Tangga Doa Now

Lirik lagu Tangga Doa.mp3 lyrics

pasti tiba tlah waktunya
yg tercinta menjauh terpisah
tinggalkan semua

apabila Dia telah meminta
ikhlaskan saja karna semua milikNya
betapapun besar kita mencinta
pastilah lebih besar cinta sang Pencipta

semoga semua lara dan luka
(di galau usia)
kecewa (derita sesama)
terpupus terhapus
(hanyalah padanya kita menghamba)
seiring doa

Download Tangga Doa.mp3Hot Info

You are viewing Tangga Doa lyrics. Please be informed this song lyrics titled Tangga Doa are property of respective artists, authors and labels. You are required to contact the authors, artists or labs if you want to use these lyrics. We know most of you really love the song of Tangga Doa but please do not hesitate to buy the track on legal site like iTunes or Amazon to support Tangga and music industry.