Lirik lagu Utopia Soulmate lyric

Utopia Soulmate.mp3 are the property and copyright of author/composer, artist, and songs label concerned or their owners. Lyrics, Free Download Mp3 Utopia Soulmate.mp3 Video clip Utopia Soulmate.mp3, We provide this only for evaluation purposes only. We do not provide the file Utopia Soulmate.mp3 in our server. Buy a original CD Utopia Soulmate.mp3 from from the album or activate the personal dial tone to support it;So, that artist can still work in the world music arena. | Play Utopia Soulmate Now

Lirik lagu Utopia Soulmate.mp3 lyrics

pada saat kurasa lelah
kala harus awali hariku
dan kau tepikan segala enggan
yg membayangi setiap waktu

menata langkahku
mencoba berpijak

reff: kau buat hatiku tersentuh
oleh keajaiban yg kau ciptakan
kau buat aku selalu tersenyum
di batas keletihanku

peluh pedih tak tersisa lagi
pupus sudah karna hadirmu

menata langkahku
mencoba berpijak

repeat reff

Download Utopia Soulmate.mp3Hot Info

You are viewing Utopia Soulmate lyrics. Please be informed this song lyrics titled Utopia Soulmate are property of respective artists, authors and labels. You are required to contact the authors, artists or labs if you want to use these lyrics. We know most of you really love the song of Utopia Soulmate but please do not hesitate to buy the track on legal site like iTunes or Amazon to support Utopia and music industry.